Derbystar Brillant APS 2012 is the official ball of the Dutch Eredivisie for the 2012-2013 season. Probably, regular readers know my love for classic ball design. Don’t get me wrong. Modern balls are very cool. I have a lot of fun doing tricks with the new Pyrostorm. However, the white background and the combination of pentagonal and hexagonal panels is a real aesthetic treat. That’s why I love balls like this one.
This is a classic ball that is associated with the most recognizable design in the world. It was introduced for the first time in 1970 and since then, every reference to the Adidas Telstar has evoked warm feelings among conservative style fans. The black color of the panels here is replaced by gold with a background in the form of a goalkeeper’s net. The dense structure of the fabric creates a rather unusual bounce, but you can get used to it after a few training sessions.