Urban Ball Blackfire

Urban Ball Blackfire

The largest team of soccer freestylers in the world is S3 from France. The leader of the team is Sean Garnier, who became the first official freestyle soccer world champion in history. He has formed a huge community that brings together soccer freestyle athletes, basketball freestyle players, street acrobats and dancers.

At his speeches, Sean presented an unusual creative style. Also, the champion did not forget about his brand. The official ball of the community was UrbanBall developed by these guys.

Urban Ball Blackfire is a really unusual ball. It consists of solid rubber. You cannot find a single seam on this ball. This ball is quite heavy but it is very bouncing. Urban Ball is very poorly suited for hardcore tricks, but it is a great tool for simple and spectacular performances. This is one of the first balls in the world that are designed specifically for soccer freestyle. Even today you can buy a version with the same design that you could see a decade ago. This is a cult ball among fans of S3 and Sean.


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